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Motorcycle Shipping service from France

Motorcycle Shipping service from France to South America, North America, Africa, Asia, & Oceania. The cost to ship a Motorcycle from France overseas starts at the price of $1475 USD, The price to ship your motorcycle from France depends on the make, model, and measure of the motorbike and the wooden shipping box.
The estimated transit time to ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas is from 20 to 40 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the international port destination overseas, the transit time to ship the motorcycle to overseas will be shorted to the country of destination.

Below is the 2024 shipping guide to send a motorcycle from France to overseas.

Ship a Motorcycle from France to USA, CANADA, AFRICA, ASIA, AUTRIALA never was that simple as with BR LOGISTICS USA that provides the most reliable Motorcycle shipping & package services to overseas.

Motorcycle shipping service from France to overseas

Motorcycle Shipping service from France to South America, North America, Africa, Asia, & Oceania

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    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to internationally?

    • The average cost to ship a motorcycle from France typically ranges from $1,475 to $2,000.
    • Additional costs include the shipping crate, which can range from $500 to $1,000.
    • The final price to ship your motorcycle varies based on the motorcycle type, its dimensions, and your chosen method of transport to the port—options include air freight, container service, LCL with a crate or wooden box, or roll-on/roll-off (RO-RO) service.

    Historical ocean freight rates to ship a motorcycle from France to overseas

    Will ocean freight rates go down to ship a motorcycle from France in 2024?, Yes the rates slowly began falling in the first quarter of 2024 and are expected to continue to drop, little by little. You calculate the ocean freight rate based on oil prices (BAF), cargo dimensions, weight, port of export, port of destination, and season congestion. The following annual chart is showing the prices and costs for the year 2024 for average maritime freight to send containers from France

    These prices to ship your from France do not include additional or unforeseen costs that may be added during the course of your reservation or shipment itself. These are not the current or final price to ship your vehicle from France, please request a rate for an updated price.

    ¿How long does it take to ship a motorcycle from France?

    The average transit time to ship a motorcycle from France is from 2 weeks to 6 weeks.

    Estimated transit time to ship a motorcycle from France:

    The average transit times and sailing schedule to ship your motorcycle from France to the major ports in the world as  the United States ports, European ports, and Asian ports. The transit time will be faster to European ports, the transit time to the USA will vary depending on the specific port and sailing schedule.Expect longer transit times to Asian ports due to the longer distance.

    Continent of origin Country of origin Port of origin Port of destination Transit time (days) Freight price
    Europe France Le Havre Port of New York/New Jersey 25 1475€
    Europe France Paris Port of Baltimore 22 1475€
    Europe France Lyon Port of Miami 18 1475€
    Europe France Marseille Port of Los Angeles 2 1475€
    Europe France Le Havre Port of Bremerhaven 20 $1475
    Europe France Zeebrugge Port of Rotterdam 25 $1475
    Europe France Antwerp Port of Shanghai 40 $1475
    Europe France Zeebrugge Port of Guangzhou 35 $1475
    Europe France Le Havre Port of Shenzhen 40 $1475
    Europe France Zeebrugge Port of Hong Kong 35 $1475
    Europe France Antwerp Port of Sydney 35 $1475
    Europe France Sines Port of Houston TX 35 $1475

    Shortest transit time to ship a motorcycle from France

    One of the shortest transit time to ship a motorcycle from France is the route from Lisbon to the port of Buenos Aires in Argentina with the Forwarder Company BR LOGISTICS with an average of 20 days of transit. The next shortest route from Leixoes to Miami with a transit time of 30 days to reach the USA.

    Longest transit time to ship a Motorcycle from France

    The longest transit time to ship a Motorcycle from France to international is the route from Sines France to Sidney Australia, with an estimated average transit time between 35 to 45 days. The next longest route is from The Canary Islands to New Zeeland, with an average of 42 days of transit time.

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to USA?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to the United States ranges from $1475 to $2000, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike as by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import a Motorcycle to the United States from France are 2.4% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1000 for local charges in the US. To avoid import Duties in the USA you should have ATA Carnet or Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to USA is from 20 to 30 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the international port destination in the USA East coast or West Coast of America.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to US from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Boston, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to New York, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to New Jersey, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Norfolk, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Baltimore, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Charleston, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Savannah, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Brunswick, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Jacksonville, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Miami, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Houston, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Galveston, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Freeport Texas, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to California, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Tacoma, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Washington, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Halifax, Canada LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Veracruz, Mexico LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from the United States to France?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from the United States to France ranges from $1475 to $2000, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike as by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import a Motorcycle from the United States to France are 2.4% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1000 for local charges in the US. To avoid import Duties in the USA you should have ATA Carnet or Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from the United States to France is from 20 to 30 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in the USA and the international port destination in France East coast or West Coast of America.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to US from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from the United States to Lisbon LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from the United States to Leixoes LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from the United States to Sines LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from the United States to Funchal LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from the United States to Madeira LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to Canada?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to Canada ranges from $1575 to $2250, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to Canada, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to Canada from France that are 5% to 8% duty (goods and service tax) of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Canada. To avoid import Duties in Canada you should have an ATA Carnet or Carnet de passage for travelers.The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to Canada is from 30 to 45 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the international port destination in Canada East coast or West Coast of Canada.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to Canada from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Halifax, Canada LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Toronto, Canada LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Montreal, Canada LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Vancouver, Canada LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France  to Mexico?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to Mexico ranges from $1485 to $2085, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to Mexico, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to Mexico from France that are 60% to 100% duty & taxes of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Mexico. To avoid import Duties in Mexico you should have a EURO1 document, or ATA Carnet or a Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to Mexico is from 25 to 35 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the international port destination in Mexico East coast or West Coast of American Continent.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to Mexico from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Puerto de Veracruz LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Puerto de Altamira LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Puerto de Manzanillo LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Puerto Industrial Lázaro Cárdenas LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Ciudad de Mexico LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Cancun LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to South America?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to South America ranges from $1480 to $2025, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to South America, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to South America that will depends on the country of destination, for example in Argentina you will pay 20% VAT & 8% Duty of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Argentina or Uruguay. To avoid import Duties in South America you should have a document named ATA Carnet or a Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to South America is from 25 to 35 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the country of destination in South America, it can take 25 days to Montevideo or Buenos Aires, and 45 days to Chile or Colombia.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to South America from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Argentina LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Uruguay LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Chile LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Paraguay LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Bolivia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Brazil LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Peru LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Ecuador LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Colombia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Venezuela LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Mortocycle from France to Panama LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Costa Rica LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Nicaragua LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Honduras LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Guatemala LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Belice LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to El Salvador LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Cuba LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Puerto Rico LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Dominican Republic LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to Africa?

    The average price to ship a Motorcycle from Valencia to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a Motorcycle to the United States from Valencia are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to Africa ranges from $1750 to $2225, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to Africa, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to Africa that will depends on the country of destination, for example in Nigeria you will pay 35% to 70% Duty of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Nigeria or South Africa. To avoid import Duties in Africa you should have a document named ATA Carnet or a Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to Africa is from 20 to 35 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the country of destination in France, it can take 10 days to Morocco or The Canary Islands, and 45 days to South Africa, or West Africa.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to Africa from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Morocoo LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Gambia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Guinea LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Sierra Leone LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Ivory Coast LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Ghana LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Lome, Togo LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Cotonou, Benin LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Nigeria LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Cameroon LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Gabon LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Congo LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Angola LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to South Africa LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Liberia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Namibia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Mauritania LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to Australia & New Zealand?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to Oceania ranges from $1850 to $2500, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to Australia & New Zealand, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to Oceania that will depends on the country of destination, for example in Australia you will pay 0% Duty + 10% GST of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Australia or New Zealand. To avoid import Duties in Australia & New Zealand you should have a document named ATA Carnet or a Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to Australia is from 35 to 45 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the country of destination in Oceania, it can take 35 days to Sidney or and 45 days to Auckland New Zealand.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to Australia & New Zealand from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Australia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to New Zealand LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    How much does it cost to ship a Motorcycle from France to Asia?

    The average price to ship a motorcycle from France to Asia ranges from $1850 to $2500, and the packed or wood box usually cost $500, the price can oscillate depending of the shipping method to send the bike from France to Australia & New Zealand, as if you ship it by plane or by sea, then you have to pay the duties to import your Motorcycle to Oceania that will depends on the country of destination, for example in Australia you will pay 0% Duty + 10% GST of the value of the Motorcycle + $1000 for local charges in Australia or New Zealand. To avoid import Duties in Australia & New Zealand you should have a document named ATA Carnet or a Carnet de passage for travelers. The estimated transit time to ship your Motorcycle from France to Australia is from 35 to 45 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in France and the country of destination in Oceania, it can take 35 days to Sidney or and 45 days to Auckland New Zealand.

    Price list to ship a Motorcycle to Asia from France

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Motorcycle from France to India LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Thailand LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Bangladesh LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Malaysia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Singapore LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Philippines LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Indonesia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Cambodia LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Vietnam LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Taiwan LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to China LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Japan LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to Freeport Texas, USA LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475
    Ship Motorcycle from France to South Korea LCL Container Service to ship Motorcycles from: $1475

    Key Factors Influencing the Cost of Shipping a Motorcycle internationally from France

    Shipping a Motorcycle to from France varies in cost based on several critical factors:

    1. Motorcycle Type: Your vehicle’s make and model affect the price.
    2. Dimensions & Weight: Bigger, heavier cost more to ship.
    3. Transport Method: Costs differ between container and RORO shipping.
    4. France Location: The starting point in France influences the price.
    5. Destination Method: The cost will be higher or lower depending on the distance between the different countries and continents of the world.

    Accurate estimates require detailed information on these aspects. With this data, we can more precisely calculate your motorcycle shipping costs from France.

    Online motorcycle shipping rate calculator from France.

    Clicking below link bottom you can request a rate to ship your motorcycle from France to overseas as South America, North America, Africa, Asia, & Oceania.

    Import a motorcycle from France

    How to import a motorcycle from France to the country of destination in South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Australia or New Zealand? Importing a motorcycle from France to overseas starts at a cost of $1475 USD for Shipping, and 2.5% to 120% Import duties of the value of the vehicle to import the motorcycle permanently into a foreign country, the you can avoid import duties doing a temporary import using an ATA Carnet or Carnet de Passage for travelers on Motorcycles.

    Can I import a motorcycle from France

    Can import a motorcycle from France Europe to USA, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, South Africa, Asia, Australia or New Zealand? The answer is Yes I can import a motorcycle from France into the foreign country, if the Motorcycle pass the EPA & DOT standards, and all the import, and customs regulations at destination.
    The Temporary import for Motorcycles into are available for up to one year, after a Year the vehicle must leave the country.

    Are motorcycle cheaper in France?

    Are the motorcycles cheaper in France than other countries? The motorbikes in France are neither cheap nor expensive than the international motorcycles. Depend on the Year, Make & model of the motorbike, for example the prices are more reasonable to buy a classic European motorcycles in France than to buy them in the USA or South America.
    Conclusion: France is one of the cheapest countries in Europe to buy your motorcycle to ship it to overseas.

    Documents you need to have to import a motorcycle

    When importing a motorcycle, you need several important documents to ensure compliance with customs regulations:

    • Original Shipping Documentation: This includes the Bill of Lading (for sea transport), Seaway Bill, or Airway Bill (for air transport).
    • Identification: A valid Driver’s License or Passport.
    • Vehicle Documentation: Bill of Sale, Foreign Registration, Original Title, and Insurance.
    • Regulatory Forms: EPA Form (3520-1) and DOT Form (HS-7) are necessary for environmental and safety compliance.
    • Additional Documents: Packing List, Combined Certificate of Value and Origin (CCVO), and a Power of Attorney authorizing your customs broker to clear the motorcycle.

    For the latest import tax information or specific guidance related to importing a motorcycle from France to your country, contacting the embassy of your destination country is recommended.

    Taxes & Duties for Shipping and registering motorcycles from France to the foreign country

    The taxes & duties to import Foreign-made motorcycles from France to the U.S , Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand are dutiable. You have to expect to for an used motorcycle, 2.4%  to 120% for Duties ^ taxes, The duty is based on the value of the Motorcycle + shipping fee.

    Import Fees:

    Generally, foreign-made motorcycles imported from France to internationally are subject to following fees:


    2.5% to 120% Duty + Import customs clearance, + local charges 0% Duties and taxes if you have an ATA CARNET or Carnet de Passage for travelers.

    How to Ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas

    Your first step on How to ship a motorcycle to overseas from France is to follow the Step by Step guide to ship a motorcycle from France to internationally, and provide to your forwarder or shipping company the Year, Make, Model, and location of your motorbike.

    How to Ship Your Motorcycle from France Step by Step Guide:

    1. Research Shipping Companies: Start by searching for motorcycle shipping companies in France that provide international services.
    2. Request Shipping Rates: Obtain a quote for shipping your motorcycle to your desired destination.
    3. Choose a Shipping Method: Depending on your needs, select from the following shipping methods: Roll-On Roll-Off service, Container shipping, Shared container service, or Air Cargo.
    4. Provide Necessary Documents: Submit all required documents to the shipping company to book your motorcycle’s export from France.
    5. Deliver Your Motorcycle: Take your motorcycle to the designated port or export warehouse.
    6. Make Payment: Complete the payment process with the motorcycle shipping company in France.
    7. Send Release Documents: Forward the release or Bill of Lading to your clearing agent, customs broker, or forwarding company at the destination.

    The undercarriage of your Motorcycle must be cleaned before you ship it from France to the international port of destination

    It is very important to clean your Motorcycle or vehicle undercarriage in France before shipping to make it free of foreign soil to prevent the introduction of invasive microorganisms, vegetable or animal products. This should be accomplished through steam cleaning or other thorough cleaning methods.

    We recommend to follow the next steps to clean your Motor-Bike before ship it to overseas from France:

    1. Use a Moto Jack to Lift Your Motorcycle to can clean it better
    2. Take the Wheels if necessary
    3. Rinse the Undercarriage With a Pressure Washer until it is completely clean
    4. Then you have to clean it inside and make sure the motorcycle is clean & empty of any strange material as the motorcycle have to be empty to be imported into the country of final destination.

    How to Crate A Motorcycle for shipping?

    Making motorcycle crate is definitely not easy but necessary to ship your motorcycle from France to overseas, making your own wooden box you will be on the money-saving end of the spectrum when it comes to transporting your bike. But purchasing a crate you will have a safe and better wood box to transport your bike internationally, the cost to buy the crate to ship your motorcycle will be anywhere from $500 to $900 depending on the materials it’s made from.

    How to Build a Crate to ship your motorcycle from France?
    If you will make your own motorcycle shipping create, the bike safety is of the more important shipping step. Please Keep note that the crate or wood box will be your motorcycle shipping container. Please make sure you are wearing safety goggles and protective equipment while constructing your crate, and that your workspace is well lit and ventilated for shipping.

    building a crate to ship a motorcycle from Spain  to overseas

    You will need to put an oversized pallet on the floor. Place the wood (plywood) overtop the pallet, leaving as little overhang as possible and fasten it to the pallet using screws or nails.

    Place your motorcycle on the pallet standing up.

    Place shorter 4x4s or 2×3 woods at each corner of the pallet, please them vertically, and secure with screws to the pallet.

    Attach plywood to the 4x4s or 2×3 wood to create the sides of the pallet or crate; use a good drilled screw every 2 or three feet to make a cube to protect the bike.

    Then you have to lash and secure the motorcycle and make sure it is not moving around.

    Fasten the longer 2x4s along the top of the crate to create a good frame to build the shipping box.

    Use the last piece of plywood to create the top of the crate; secure with screws, and close it, it should be almost ready to ship.

    Please label the motorcycle shipping crate crate with directional arrows and/or “FRAGILE” in large letters., also please paste the shipping label with the word “Motorcycle shipping from Spain & the country of destination”

    Ports to ship a Motorcycle from France

    Below is the list of ports in France that you can select the departure to ship your Motorcycle to overseas. Here are some of the busiest ports to ship your Motorbike internationally from France:

    Port of Le Havre

    Address: Terre-Plein de la Barre B.P. 1413 Le Havre, Cedex 76067 France
    Coordinates:49° 28' 1" N 0° 10' 40" E

    Port of Lyon

    Address:1 Quai de Beaucaire, 69007 Lyon, France
    Coordinates: 45.71704740217972, 4.834099425045202

    Port of Marseille

    Address: 23 place de la Joliette BP 81965 Marseille, Cedex 2 13226 France
    Coordinates: 43° 19' 25" N 5° 21' 8" E

    Paris Terminal

    Address: 6 Rte du Bass. Numéro 1, 92230 Gennevilliers, France
    Coordinates: 48.93767245001161, 2.267240326872009

    Types of Shipping Methods to ship a Motorcycle from France

    The shipping methods and options to ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas are the roll on roll off service (RO-RO), Full container load with motorcycle(FCL), Shared container shipping to USA(LCL), or Air Cargo.

    Roll on Roll off Service from France to ship a Motorcycle

    The Roll on Roll off service or RORO shipping service or ferry is one of the most popular methods to ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas (if the service is available), this shipping service offers to ship your bike to ports in America, Africa, Asia, South America, Oceania just driving it onto and off of the ship vessel in France and rolling the motorcycle out discharge the motorbike  of the vessel at destination, with a cheap coast of transport, making this method one of the best one to ship a motorcycle from France to internationally.

    Ship a motorcycle on RORO from France

    Advantages of the Roll on Roll off / RORO Shipping service to to ship a Motorcycle from France:
    • Cost-Effective: RORO shipping allows you to transport running motorcycles from major Spanish ports to international destinations at very competitive rates.
    • Specialized Services: This method offers specialized RORO services tailored for motorcycles to regions including America, Africa, South America, Asia, and Oceania.
    • Fast Transit: Enjoy fast shipping times with transit from ports like Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Vigo, Malaga, and Santander to various international ports taking only 17 days.
    • Lower Charges: Compared to container shipping, RORO offers lower local export and destination charges for motorcycles shipped from France.

    Motorcycles Container shipping service from France to overseas

    Ship a Motorcycle in a container shipping service from France to overseas is your exclusive container shipping, it will cost you more than a RO-RO motorbike shipping service, but your Motorcycle or your e-bike are the only ones in your container to internationally.

    Advantages of the Container Shipping service for Motorcycles from France:
    • Versatility: Container shipping is ideal for transporting non-operational motorcycles, such as those from auto auctions like Copart or IAAI.
    • Capacity: You can load between 10 to 20 motorcycles into a single 40ft container, maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
    • Additional Storage: The option to include personal belongings, such as personal effects or furniture, in the same container provides added convenience.
    • Exclusivity: Each container shipment offers exclusivity, meaning your motorcycles and goods are not shared with other shipments, ensuring privacy and security to your destination.

    Shared Container Shipping Service for Motorcycles from France to overseas

    This is the most affordable option to ship motorcycles from France. This shared container shipping service for Motorcycles from France to internationally is very efficient to ship non runner motorbikes , as not all the ports accepts motorcycles for shipping into the vessels. However, there is a disadvantage to this method: you will have to wait until the whole container is filled with other motorcycles before it can be loaded onto the container ship and set sail. Therefore, your departure date cannot be guaranteed.

    Advantages of the Shared Container Shipping service for Motorcycles from France:
    • The best plus to this method to ship your motorbike with a Shared Container service from France is that you can place additional items into the crate.
    • Your motorcycle doesn’t have to be working to use this option, you can ship a non runner motorbike using a shared container shipment from France.

    How many days does it take to ship a Motorcycle from France?

    The estimated transit time to ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas is from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, with an average transit time of 20 days to ship a Motorbike from France to internationally.

    Top 5 most popular routes for shipping motorcycles from France to overseas

    At BR EXPORT USA, we offer you a professional international motorcycle shipping services from the major ports of France to overseas, as loading motorcycle in to containers, ro-ro motorcycle shipments, air cargo for vehicles, international transport of motorcycles for the routes to send motorcycle to overseas. Here are the top 5 routes from France to the major ports of the world. The estimated transit time to ship a Motorcycle from France to overseas is from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, with an average transit time of 20 days to ship a Motorbike from France to internationally.

    Origin port in France International Destination port
    From Port:Antwerp; Port Code: BEANR Port of destination: Buenos Aires Argentina; Port Code: ARBUE
    From Port: Zeebrugge; Port Code: BEZEE Port of destination: Montevideo Uruguay; Port Code: UYMVD
    From Port: Leixoes; Port Code: PTLEI Port of destination: Miami Florida USA; Port Code:USMIA
    From Port: Funchal Madeira; Port Code: PTFNC Port of destination: New York, USA; Port Code: USNYC
    From Port: Setubal; Port Code: PTSET Port of destination: Sidney, Australia; Port Code: AUSYD

    How to Ship an e-Bike with Lithium Batteries Installed?

    In order to ship your Electric Motorcycle with its lithium battery installed from France to overseas, you’ll need to take a few steps to ensure the safety of the bike shipment. This might include:

    • Confirm if your motorcycle has a lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries (Shipping companies handle them differently)
    • Get approval to ship your e-bike from the airline, the courier, or the vessel company, and potentially the national authorities
    • Ensure that the battery & motorcycle are not damaged and has been packed carefully, we recommend to make a wood box.
    • Put a dangerous goods label on the shipment box of your Electric Motorcycle
    • Have the eBike packed by someone with a current HazMat certification, BR LOGISTICS EUROPE offers the full package service to ship your Electric Motorbike
    • Get the right documents and certifications, including a Material Safety Data Sheet of hazardous materials, the UN38.3 Certificate (proves your battery has been tested according to UN guidelines in your Motorcycle), Certificate of Origin or title (shows where your bike was manufactured), Certificate for the Safe Transport of Goods DGD (verifies the safety of your bike, and approval to ship it overseas)


    “Leading the Way in Excellence for International Freight and Vehicle Shipping Services from France”

    BR LOGISTICS USA INC is widely recognized as a premier vehicle shipping company from France to overseas, renowned for its exceptional international RORO service, container shipping service, and car and motorcycle shipping services. The name “BR LOGISTICS USA INC” has become synonymous with excellence in export motorcycles from France to Europe, Asia, China, United States… and import car services , marked by unfailing punctuality and a relentless focus on customer satisfaction. This reputation shipping vehicles from France is clearly reflected in the glowing testimonials found in Google reviews, underscoring the company’s commitment to exceeding customer expectations and maintaining its top-ranked status in the industry.

    David Carreño
    David Carreño
    I recently shipped my car from New York to Valencia with BR LOGISTICS USA INC and they provided an excellent door to door service. The process was seamless, efficient, and transparent, making it easy and a stress free experience. Their team was very professional
    nicolas gialerakis
    nicolas gialerakis
    "We consistently ship containers from the USA to Uruguay for my foundation using BR LOGISTICS USA INC. Their seriousness, exceptional service, and competitive rates make them my go-to logistics partner. Highly recommend for reliability and excellence in shipping. All along the 10 years that we been working sending humanitarian assistance to different parts of the world we never had a problem getting supplies to wherever we needed thanks to the support and assistance from BR Logistics USA, Inc
    Enric L.
    Enric L.
    Awesome service. I shipped 2 containers from USA to Spain, one with household goods and another with cars. Fernando, Favio and everyone were always there to help me deliver from door to door, from shipping, customs and delivery. I absolutely recommend BR Export. Cheers!
    Youale David
    Youale David
    Very professional company, has been working with them over 10 years, AlwYs try to quote you best prices and great customer service, I will recommend this company for all businesses to use them ,
    Daniel Solana
    Daniel Solana
    Great people to work with always well informed and delivery what their promise
    Souleymane Dembele
    Souleymane Dembele
    Great people to deal with I definitely recommend to anyone
    I shipped my containers from China to the US with BR EXPORT USA, everything was transparent and perfect, i will ship with them again.
    Hassan Jibiya
    Hassan Jibiya
    I have been shipping cars and trucks to Africa with BR Exports for nearly a decade now and because of their efficiency and professionalism, I never felt the need to try other shipping companies. They are simply the best in the business. They work round the clock and go out of their way to find a solution to any shipping challenge I present to them. They are very reliable and trustworthy.
    Henry Williams (Koksie)
    Henry Williams (Koksie)
    I have worked with them for nearly 2 decades. Best and most efficient guys you will find anywhere on the planet.. 🤛🤛🤛
    daniel leuthold
    daniel leuthold
    Had a car shipped to europe. Excellent service especially in these weird covid-19 times