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Ship a Car from Spain to USA

Car Shipping service from Spain to the United States of America? The cost to ship a Car from Spain to the USA starts at the price of $2195 USD, The price to ship a vehicle from Spain to the US depends on the make, model, and measure of the vehicle.
The estimated transit time to ship a car from Spain to USA is from 15 to 28 days, the transit time depends on nearest port of departure in Spain and the destination port in the USA, the transit time to ship the car to the USA will be shorted to the east and longer to the west coast of America. Below is the 2024 shipping guide to send a car from Spain to the US.

Ship a Car to from Spain to the United States of America never was that simple as with BR LOGISTICS USA INC company, that provides the most reliable car shipping service to USA from Spain.

Ship a car from Spain to the major ports in the United States

Ship a car from Spain to the major ports in the United States: Port of Boston, Port of New York, Port Of New Jersey, Port Of Norfolk, Port Of Baltimore, Port Of Charleston, Port Of Savannah, Port Of Brunswick, Port Of Jacksonville, Port Of Miami, Port Of Houston, Port Of Galveston, Port Of Freeport Texas, Port Hueneme California, Port of Long Beach California, and Port of Tacoma, USA. Port of Halifax, Canada

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    How much does it cost to ship a car from Spain to USA?

    Shipping a car from Spain to the USA involves several cost components and regulatory requirements:

    • Shipping Costs: The cost to ship a car from Spain to the USA typically ranges between $1,875 and $3,590. This range accounts for various shipping methods and services, including the choice between container shipping and Roll-On Roll-Off (Ro-Ro) service.
    • Import Duty in the USA: Upon arrival in the United States, the imported vehicle is subject to a 2.5% + local charges duty based on the vehicle’s value. This duty is a standard charge for importing cars into the country.
    • Age Restriction: The United States has specific import regulations concerning the vehicle’s age. Cars newer than 25 years from Spain face restrictions and must comply with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) to be eligible for import.
    • Variable Costs: The final price for shipping your car may vary based on several factors. For instance, non-operational vehicles (non-runners) may incur higher costs due to the additional requirements for loading and unloading the car into a container.

    Be aware that these are starting points for budgeting, and actual costs can vary. Additional expenses may include local charges in the US, such as port fees, handling charges, and any costs associated with meeting US import regulations.

    Historical ocean freight rates to ship a car from Spain to the USA

    Will ocean freight rates go down to ship to Car to Spain in 2024?, Yes the rates slowly began falling in the first quarter of 2024 and are expected to continue to drop, little by little. You calculate the ocean freight rate based on oil prices (BAF), dimensions of the vehicle, weight of the vehicle, port of export, port of destination, and season congestion. The following annual chart is showing the prices and costs for the year 2024 for average maritime freight for car shipping to Spain from the USA.

    How long does it take to ship a car from Spain to USA?

    Shipping a car from Spain to the United States typically takes between 2 weeks to 6 weeks, with the average transit time being around 25 days. This timeframe can vary based on several factors, including the starting port in Spain and the destination port in the USA. Factors such as the shipping method (container vs. Roll-On Roll-Off), weather conditions, and port efficiency can also impact the transit time. It’s important for shippers to consider these variables when planning the shipment to ensure a smooth and timely process.

    Estimated transit time to ship a car from Spain to USA:

    The average transit time, sailing, and vessel schedule to ship your car to the United States from the major ports in Spain.

    Continent of origin Country of origin Port of origin Port of destination Transit time (days) Car Shipping rates:
    Europe Spain Port of Barcelona Port of New York 25 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Valencia Port of Newark 20 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Malaga Port of Baltimore 25 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Vigo Port of Norfolk 35 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Santander Port of Savannah 35 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Bilbao Port of Miami 35 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Barcelona Port of Houston 35 $2190
    Europe Spain Port of Valencia Port of Los Angeles 45 $2850
    Europe Spain Port of Malaga Port of Washington 45 $3150
    Europe Spain Port of Bilbao Port of Tacoma 45 $3150

    Fastest Shipping Duration: Car Transport from Spain to the USA

    For those looking to ship a car from Spain to the USA efficiently, the Valencia to New York route stands out with its notably short transit time of approximately 15 days. This option is particularly appealing for individuals and businesses seeking a quick and reliable way to transport vehicles across the Atlantic, offering a seamless connection between Spain and the US East Coast.

    Following closely in efficiency is the Barcelona to Baltimore route, providing another expedient shipping solution with an average transit time of 20 days. This route serves as an excellent alternative for those closer to Barcelona or targeting the Baltimore area, ensuring vehicles arrive in the USA within a reasonable timeframe.

    Longest Shipping Duration: Car Transport from Spain to the USA 

    For those shipping a car from Spain to the United States and looking to understand the longer transit times, it’s crucial to consider the routes from Malaga to Houston, Texas, and Santander to Los Angeles, California. These routes highlight the extended durations involved in international car shipping, offering insights into planning and preparation needs.

    Malaga to Houston, Texas: This route has an estimated average transit time of 25 to 30 days. It caters to individuals or businesses needing to transport vehicles from southern Spain directly to the southern United States. The slightly longer transit time reflects the distance and logistical requirements of crossing the Atlantic and navigating to the Gulf of Mexico.

    Santander to Los Angeles, California: Representing one of the longest transit times, this route averages about 40 days. This extended period is due to the vast distance covered, including navigating through the Panama Canal to reach the Pacific Coast of the United States. It’s a vital option for those in northern Spain aiming for the West Coast of the US, though it requires careful planning due to the lengthy journey.

    Price list to ship a car from Spain to USA

    What is the cost to ship a car to USA?, This is the example price list table with the cheapest shipping rates to ship your car to USA from Spain. The table contains the shipping ocean freights to ship your car from the major ports in Spain to the most popular ports in the United States.

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Spain to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Spain to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Spain to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Spain to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Spain to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Barcelona to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Barcelona to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Barcelona are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Barcelona

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Barcelona to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Valencia to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Valencia to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Valencia are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Valencia

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Valencia to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Valencia to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Valencia to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Valencia to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Valencia to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Santander to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Santander to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Santander are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Santander

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Santander to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Santander to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Santander to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Santander to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Santander to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Vigo to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Vigo to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Vigo are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Vigo

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Vigo to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Vigo to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Vigo to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Vigo to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Vigo to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Malaga to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Malaga to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Malaga are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Malaga

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Malaga to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Malaga to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Malaga to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Malaga to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Malaga to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    How much does it cost to ship a car from Bilbao to USA?

    The average price to ship a car from Bilbao to the United States ranges from $2195 to $3590, and the duties to import a car to the United States from Bilbao are 2.5% duty of the value of the vehicle + $1500 for local charges in the US.

    Price list to ship a car to US from Bilbao

    Port to port Service Type of vechicle Ocean Freight rates:
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Boston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to New York, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser. from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to New Jersey, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Norfolk, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Baltimore, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Charleston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Savannah, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Brunswick, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Jacksonville, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Miami, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Houston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Galveston, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Freeport Texas, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to California, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2590
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Tacoma, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Washington, USA RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $3590
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Halifax, Canada RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190
    Ship Car from Bilbao to Veracruz, Mexico RO RO Service to ship a Land Rover, Mini, Land Cruiser from: $2190

    Key Factors Influencing the Cost of Shipping a Car to the United States from Spain

    Shipping a car to the USA from Spain varies in cost based on several critical factors:

    1. Car Type: Your vehicle’s make and model affect the price.
    2. Dimensions & Weight: Bigger, heavier cars cost more to ship.
    3. Transport Method: Costs differ between container and RORO shipping.
    4. US Location: Destination port in the USA influences the price.

    Accurate estimates require detailed information on these aspects. With this data, we can more precisely calculate your car shipping costs to the USA.

    Online car shipping rate calculator to USA from Spain.

    Clicking below link bottom you can request a rate to ship your car from Spain to the USA major ports as Baltimore, Providence, Boston, Newark ,Savannah, Jacksonville, Freeport Texas, and Los Angeles California.

    Import a car from Spain to USA

    How to import a car from Spain to the United States? Importing a Car from Spain to the USA starts at a cost of $2195 USD for Shipping, and 2.5% Import duties of the value of the vehicle to import the car permanently into the United States of North America.

    Can I import a car from Spain to USA?

    Importing a car from Spain to the USA involves a few key steps and costs:

    1. Shipping Costs: Starting around $2,195 USD, depending on the shipping method and vehicle size.
    2. Import Duties: Expect to pay 2.5% of the vehicle’s value in import duties.
    3. Regulatory Compliance: The car must meet DOT and EPA standards, possibly requiring modifications.
    4. Documentation: You’ll need a Bill of Lading, Foreign Registration, Sales Contract, and EPA and DOT forms.
    5. Customs Clearance and Inspection: Upon arrival, pay duties and taxes, and ensure the car passes any required state inspections for road use.

    This streamlined process ensures your vehicle is legally imported and compliant with U.S. regulations.

    Documents you need to have to import a car in USA from Spain:

    • Original shipping company bill of lading, or Seaway bill, or Airway bill
    • Driver’s license or passport if issued in USA.
    • Proof of the vehicle’s previous registration in another country (Bill of sale, foreign registration, original title, insurance, and any other document concerning the vehicle)
    • EPA Form 3520-1: Declaration form from the Environmental Protection Agency, indicating that the vehicle meets U.S. emission standards.
    • DOT Form HS-7: Declaration form from the Department of Transportation, indicating that the vehicle complies with U.S. safety standards.
    • Packing list
    • Combined Certificate of Value and Origin (CCVO)
    • Power of attorney authorizing your customs broker to clear the vehicle with US customs.

    If need further information you can contact the USA Embassy in Spain for the latest import tax information to import a car in USA.

    Taxes & Duties for Shipping Cars from Spain to the United States

    The taxes & duties to import Foreign-made vehicles from Spain to the U.S. are dutiable. You and expect to pay 2.5% for a used car, 2.4% for a motorcycle, and 25% for a truck or commercial vehicle. The duty is based on the value of the vehicle.

    Import Fees:

    Generally, foreign-made vehicles imported from Spain to the USA are subject to following fees:


    2.5% Duty + Import customs clearance, + local charges in the USA


    25% Duty + Import customs clearance, + local charges in the USA


    2.4% Duty + Import customs clearance, + local charges in the USA

    Are cars cheaper in Spain?

    The cost of cars varies widely based on factors like year, make, and model, especially when comparing markets such as Spain and the USA. Particularly, vehicles like the Land Rover Defender or classic European cars tend to be more reasonably priced in Spain, making it an attractive location for purchasing such vehicles.

    Spain’s status as one of Europe’s most affordable countries for classic cars is notable. Its advantageous position allows access to a vast selection of European classics at competitive prices. This is especially appealing for those looking to import these treasures to the USA.

    In essence, while Spain offers attractive pricing for specific vehicle categories, especially classic and European models, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive cost analysis before importing a car to the United States.

    How to Ship a Car from Spain to the United States of America

    Your first step on How to ship a Car to the United States of America from Spain is to follow the Step by Step guide to ship a Car to USA from the EU, and provide to your forwarder or shipping company the Year, Make, Model, and location of your vehicle.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Shipping Your Car to the USA from Spain:

    1. Research Shipping Companies: Start by identifying shipping companies that offer vehicle transport services to America. Look for companies with positive reviews and experience in international car shipping.
    2. Request Shipping Rates: Contact these companies to request quotes for shipping your car from Spain to US. Compare the rates and services to find the best option for your needs.
    3. Choose a Shipping Method: Depending on your requirements, select the most suitable shipping method. Options include:

      • Roll on Roll off (RO-RO) service
      • Container shipping service
      • Shared container service
      • Air Cargo to the USA
    4. Provide Necessary Documents: Submit all required documents to the shipping company for booking your vehicle shipment. This may include the vehicle title, proof of ownership, and identification documents.
    5. Deliver Your Vehicle: Take your vehicle to the designated port or export warehouse. Ensure your car is prepared for shipment according to the shipping company’s guidelines.
    6. Make Payment: Complete the payment for the shipping service. It’s essential to understand the payment terms and conditions beforehand.
    7. Send Release or Bill of Lading: Forward the release or bill of lading to your clearing agent, customs broker, or forwarding company in US. This document is crucial for the customs clearance process in the USA.

    The undercarriage of your vehicle must be cleaned before you ship it from Spain to the United States

    Before shipping your vehicle internationally, it’s crucial to have the undercarriage thoroughly cleaned to eliminate any foreign soil. This step is vital to prevent the spread of invasive microorganisms, as well as vegetable or animal products, across borders. Utilizing steam cleaning or other comprehensive cleaning methods ensures your vehicle is free from potential contaminants and complies with international shipping regulations aimed at protecting local ecosystems.

    We recommend to follow the next steps to clean your car before ship it to the United States from Spain:

    1. Lift Your Car: Utilize a car jack to safely elevate your vehicle. This provides better access to the undercarriage for a thorough cleaning.
    2. Remove the Wheels: If necessary, take off the wheels to gain comprehensive access to all parts of the undercarriage.
    3. Pressure Wash the Undercarriage: Use a pressure washer to rinse the undercarriage thoroughly. Ensure all foreign soil and debris are completely removed to prevent the spread of invasive microorganisms.
    4. Clean the Interior: Ensure the interior of your car is clean and free of any personal items or strange materials. The vehicle must be empty for import into The United States.

    Ports to ship a car from Spain to USA

    Below is the list of ports in Spain that you can select the departure to ship your car to the United States. Here are some of the busiest ports to ship your car to the US from Spain:

    Port of Barcelona, Spain

    Location of Barcelona, Spanish port Address: Lugar Moll Adossat, 1, 08039 Barcelona, Spain Coordinates: 05°38′00″N 00°00′01″E

    Port of Vigo, Spain

    Location of Vigo, Spanish port Address: Plaza de la Estrella n-1 Vigo, Pontevedra 36201 Spain Coordinates: 42° 14' 33" N 8° 43' 54" W

    Port of Valencia, Spain

    Location of Valencia, Spanish port Address: Avenida Muelle del Turia, s/n, VALENCIA, Spain Coordinates: 39°26′45″N 0°19′12″W

    Port of Malaga, Spain

    Location of Malaga, Spanish port Address:Muelle de Canovas, s/n Malaga, Malaga 29001 Spain Coordinates: 36° 42' 33" N 4° 25' 9" W

    Port of Bilbao, Spain

    Location of Bilbao, Spanish port Address: Muelle de la Ampliacion Santurtzi, Bizkaia 48980 Spain Coordinates: 43°21′09″N 3°02′56″W

    Port of Santander, Spain

    Location of Santander, Spanish port Address: Edificio de Explotacion Muelle de Maliano s/n Santander, 39009 Spain Coordinates: 43° 26' 32" N 3° 48' 28" W

    Types of Shipping Methods to ship a Car to USA from Spain

    The shipping methods and options to ship a car from Spain to USA are the roll on roll off service (RO-RO), Full container load with cars (FCL), Shared container shipping to USA(LCL), or Air Cargo.

    Roll on Roll off Service from Spain to USA.

    The Roll on Roll off service or RORO shipping service is one of the most popular methods to ship a car from Spain to USA, this shipping service offers to ship your car to ports in America just driving it onto and off of the ship vessel in Spain and rolling the car out discharge the car of the vessel in the USA, with a cheap coast of transport, making this method one of the best one to ship a car from Spain to the United States of North America.

    Roll on Roll off service from Spain to USA

    If you have a wheeled vehicle to Ship from any port in Spain to USA, such as a car, Sedan, SUV, motorcycle, motor home, camper, trailer, bus, construction vehicle, Heavy Equipment, Excavators, or a boat to ship it to one port of the USA, this method is extremely efficient and cost-effective, featuring the most reliable departure, transit time, and arrival dates to USA from Spain. The New car manufacturers tend to choose this method when deciding to ship their own vehicles overseas.

    Advantages of the Roll on Roll off / RORO Shipping service to USA from Spain:
    • Cost Efficiency: Ship operational vehicles from major RO-RO ports in Spain to the USA at low costs.
    • Non-Runner Services: Special RORO services cater to non-operational vehicles, facilitating shipments from auto auctions like Copart and IAAI.
    • Rapid Transit: Enjoy fast shipping times from ports such as Boston, Providence, Newark, Wilmington, Baltimore, Savannah, Jacksonville, and Freeport to USA  from Spain, with port-to-port transit as quick as 17 days.
    • Lower Charges: Compared to container shipping, RORO offers reduced local export and destination charges in the US.

    Container shipping service from Spain to USA

    The container shipping service from Spain to USA is your exclusive container shipping, it will cost you more than a RO-RO Car shipping service, but your car or your vehicles are the only ones in your container to USA.

    Advantages of the Container Shipping service to USA from Spain:
    • Non-Operational Vehicle Shipping: Ideal for shipping vehicles in any condition, including non-working or accident-damaged vehicles purchased from US auto auctions like Copart or IAAI.
    • Multiple Vehicle Capacity: A 40ft container can accommodate up to four cars, maximizing efficiency and reducing costs per vehicle.
    • Personal Belongings Shipment: Unlike other shipping methods, container shipping allows the inclusion of personal effects or furniture along with your vehicle, providing convenience and saving on additional shipping expenses.
    • Exclusive Use: Each container shipment offers exclusivity to you, ensuring that your vehicle(s) and belongings are the only items in the container, enhancing security and peace of mind during transit from Spain to the USA.

    Shared Container Shipping Service for Cars from Spain to USA

    This is the most affordable option to ship accident cars to USA from the US. This shared container shipping service for Cars from Spain to USA is very efficient to ship non runner cars from the American auctions as Copart, IAAI, Insurance auctions, as not all the ports in the USA accepts non runner or accident vehicles. However, there is a disadvantage to this method: you will have to wait until the whole container is filled with other vehicles before it can be loaded onto the container ship and set sail. Therefore, your departure date cannot be guaranteed.

    Advantages of the Shared Container Shipping service to USA:
    • Additional Storage: This method allows you to utilize the trunk or backseat of your vehicle for extra items, making it efficient for transporting personal belongings along with your car to the US.
    • Flexibility for Non-Operational Vehicles: Even if your car isn’t running, shared container shipping accommodates non-runner vehicles, ensuring you can ship your car from Spain to the United States without the need for it to be operational.

    Top 5 most popular routes for shipping cars from Spain to USA

    At BR LOGISTICS USA INC, we offer you a professional international car shipping services from the major ports in Spain Europe to the United States, as loading service to ship cars from Spain in containers, ro-ro service for vehicles shipments, air cargo to ship cars fast, we do offer all the international transport of cars from Spain to North America. Here are the top 5 routes to ship your car from the most popular export ports in Spain.

    Origin port in Spain Destination port in the USA
    From Port: SPBRE, Barcelona, Spain Port of destination: NYCT, New York, USA; Port Code: USNYO
    From Port: SPVLC, Valencia, Spain Port of destination: Baltimore Maryland, USA; Port Code: USBLT
    From Port: ESSDR, Santander, Spain Port of destination: Jacksonville Florida, USA; Port Code: USJAX
    From Port: SPBBO, Bilbao, Spain Port of destination: Houston Texas, USA; Port Code: USHOU
    From Port: SPMGA, Malaga, Spain Port of destination: Newark New Jersey, USA; Port Code: USNJY


    Shipping a non-runner vehicle to from Spain to the USA is most efficiently handled through a shared container service. This method is ideal for transporting non-operational vehicles or forklift units to the USA by securing them in a container. An alternative shipping option is the Roll On Roll Off (RORO) service. However, it’s important to note that not all American ports accommodate this type of service. Choosing the right shipping method is crucial for the safe and efficient transport of non-runner vehicles to the USA.

    Comparing Shipping Services: NON RUNNER TOWING vs FORKLIFT SERVICE

    Numerous vehicles are facing rejection at Spanish ports when using Roll On Roll Off (RORO) services, predominantly due to their condition. To ensure a smooth booking process, it is imperative to accurately report the vehicle’s condition—whether it’s operable (run & drive), requires towing (non-runner towing), needs forklift assistance for loading (non-runner forklift), or has been affected by flooding (flooded vehicle). Emphasize the vehicle’s actual condition, rather than the condition reported by auctions.

    Vehicle owners or purchasers must be aware that they bear full responsibility for any charges incurred throughout the entire shipping process. Providing detailed and accurate information about your vehicle not only facilitates a smoother shipping operation but also helps avoid unnecessary delays and expenses.


    Transporting non-running vehicles via towing service inside a vessel necessitates adherence to several critical conditions to ensure safety and compliance. These vehicles, while inoperable, must still meet specific criteria to qualify for shipping:

    • Operational Steering: Essential for safely maneuvering the vehicle during the loading process.
    • Tires Must Hold Air: All four tires need to be intact and capable of retaining air to facilitate smooth towing.
    • Operational Brakes: Crucial for controlling the vehicle while it’s being moved.
    • Functional Ignition System: This includes freeing the steering column and shift lever, ensuring the vehicle can be steered and shifted appropriately.
    • Operational Driver Door: Ensures access to the vehicle’s interior for necessary controls and adjustments.
    • Intact Vehicle Windows: All glass within the vehicle must be unbroken to prevent safety hazards.
    • Absence of Human Remains: For health and safety reasons, vehicles must be free of any human remains.
    • No Sharp Edges Within the Interior: To prevent injuries to personnel involved in the shipping process.
    • Vehicle Keys: Necessary for accessing and securing the vehicle.





    Despite being listed as ‘run and drive’ on auction websites, haulers frequently encounter vehicles with significant issues upon pickup. These discrepancies underline the importance of accurately assessing vehicle condition to determine the appropriate shipping method.

    It will be forklift service if your vehicle has at least one of these issues

      • Flat Tires: Vehicles with one or more flat tires necessitate the use of forklift service for safe loading and transportation.
      • Missing Keys: The absence of keys for a vehicle automatically requires forklift service, as it cannot be driven or steered onto the carrier.
      • Broken Axles: Vehicles suffering from axle damage are unfit for towing and must be transported via forklift.
      • Immobility of Wheels: Any vehicle with wheels that cannot roll requires the forklift service to ensure it can be moved onto the shipping vessel.
      • Interior Safety Hazards: Vehicles with broken glass or blood inside are handled through forklift service. To avoid this necessity, it’s advised that all glass debris be thoroughly vacuumed out of the vehicle’s interior.


    Conclusion of ship a car from Spain to the USA:

    While shipping a car from Spain to the USA might initially appear daunting, equipped with proper knowledge and the right shipping partner, the process can be streamlined and stress-free. Familiarizing yourself with the essential aspects of car transportation and selecting a dependable service provider are key steps to successfully importing a cost-effective and high-quality vehicle from Spain to the US. This ensures a seamless transition, turning what could be a complex endeavor into a straightforward, efficient experience.



    “Leading the Way in Excellence for International Freight and Vehicle Shipping Services to the USA from Spain

    BR LOGISTICS USA INC is widely recognized as a premier car shipping company to USA from Spain, renowned for its exceptional international RORO service, container shipping service, and car shipping services. The name “BR LOGISTICS USA INC” has become synonymous with excellence in export a car from Spain and import car services to New york, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Houston… marked by unfailing punctuality and a relentless focus on customer satisfaction. This reputation shipping vehicles from Spain is clearly reflected in the glowing testimonials found in Google reviews, underscoring the company’s commitment to exceeding customer expectations and maintaining its top-ranked status in the industry.

    David Carreño
    David Carreño
    I recently shipped my car from New York to Valencia with BR LOGISTICS USA INC and they provided an excellent door to door service. The process was seamless, efficient, and transparent, making it easy and a stress free experience. Their team was very professional
    nicolas gialerakis
    nicolas gialerakis
    "We consistently ship containers from the USA to Uruguay for my foundation using BR LOGISTICS USA INC. Their seriousness, exceptional service, and competitive rates make them my go-to logistics partner. Highly recommend for reliability and excellence in shipping. All along the 10 years that we been working sending humanitarian assistance to different parts of the world we never had a problem getting supplies to wherever we needed thanks to the support and assistance from BR Logistics USA, Inc
    Enric L.
    Enric L.
    Awesome service. I shipped 2 containers from USA to Spain, one with household goods and another with cars. Fernando, Favio and everyone were always there to help me deliver from door to door, from shipping, customs and delivery. I absolutely recommend BR Export. Cheers!
    Youale David
    Youale David
    Very professional company, has been working with them over 10 years, AlwYs try to quote you best prices and great customer service, I will recommend this company for all businesses to use them ,
    Daniel Solana
    Daniel Solana
    Great people to work with always well informed and delivery what their promise
    Souleymane Dembele
    Souleymane Dembele
    Great people to deal with I definitely recommend to anyone
    I shipped my containers from China to the US with BR EXPORT USA, everything was transparent and perfect, i will ship with them again.
    Hassan Jibiya
    Hassan Jibiya
    I have been shipping cars and trucks to Africa with BR Exports for nearly a decade now and because of their efficiency and professionalism, I never felt the need to try other shipping companies. They are simply the best in the business. They work round the clock and go out of their way to find a solution to any shipping challenge I present to them. They are very reliable and trustworthy.
    Henry Williams (Koksie)
    Henry Williams (Koksie)
    I have worked with them for nearly 2 decades. Best and most efficient guys you will find anywhere on the planet.. 🤛🤛🤛
    daniel leuthold
    daniel leuthold
    Had a car shipped to europe. Excellent service especially in these weird covid-19 times